Kempinski Hotels Unveils Plans for Chic Ski Resort in Romania’s Carpathian Mountains

Kempinski Hotels reveals the latest addition to its European constellation: a contemporary ski resort that will transform the town of Poiana Brasov into a must-visit destination.
ZF Investiţi în România! Mircea Cotigă, Rock Holding: Ne bazăm pe turişti străini atunci când investim într-un hotel de 5 stele la Braşov

Compania de dezvoltare imobiliară Rock Development Holding va investi 70 mil. euro în dezvoltarea primului proiect hotelier de cinci stele din Poiana Braşov.
Rock Holding obtained the construction permit for the five-star hotel project from Poiana Brasov

Real estate company Rock Development Holding obtained the construction permit for the development of the first five-star hotel project from Poiana Brasov.